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Health Matters at Work Initiative

Health Matters at Work Initiative

Health Matters are now entering year three of the Health Matters at Work Initiative, a free Workplace Health and Wellbeing programme funded by the Public Health Agency.

This exciting programme allows us to provide and coordinate an efficient workplace health and wellbeing support service to businesses of all sizes in the Southern, South Eastern and Belfast Trust areas. Health Matters will provide local businesses with free support, educational workshops and training programmes. The long-term aim of this initiative is to seek commitment to improve health, safety and wellbeing of employees within the workplace.

Our Health Promotion team will be directing this initiative, leading companies through each stage of the programme and then advising them on how to maintain health and wellbeing going forward. This is done by developing a prioritised action plan and continual evaluation throughout the year. Health Champion training is also provided to support workplace teams to maintain momentum and sustain a focus on workplace health.

Throughout the programme businesses can avail of the following services free of charge:

  • One-to-one’ support from an experienced Workplace Health & Wellbeing Coordinator
  • A health & wellbeing survey
  • An automated report detailing current workplace health & wellbeing
  • Provision of a toolkit including resources and literature
  • 1 hour long seminars or workshops covering a range of topics including:
    • Cancer awareness
    • Healthy eating and nutrition
    • Physical activity
    • Mental health including stress
    • Alcohol
    • Smoking cessation
  • Health Champion training (1-day course) for an individual or multiple individuals within your business to act as health ambassadors.
  • Award ceremony in recognition of workplace health & wellbeing success


Benefits of the Programme

Businesses can expect the following benefits:

  • Improved employee morale
  • Increased productivity
  • Reduction in staff turnover
  • Reduction in illness-related absence
  • Increased quality of products and services
  • Improved corporate social responsibility
  • Improved public image (This can also be used as an excellent PR opportunity)

Apply Now

We are now taking registers of interest for the next programme which begins in August 2018. This is open to small, medium and large businesses within the Southern Trust, South Eastern Trust and Belfast Trust regions. If you would like to register your interest in this free service, please click here to download the application form.

Alternatively, to find out more about the programme, visit our website on www.healthmattersni.com, phone (028) 3025 6482 or email [email protected]