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Health & Safety Training Courses for Schools

Browse our specialist education-specific training programmes. These programmes are aimed at both staff and students to help ensure that school and further education environments are settings that promote and protect health, safety, and wellbeing.

Courses for Staff

Health & Safety for School Principals & Management Team Members

Health & Safety for School Principals & Management Team Members

This course is designed to equip school principals and management team members with an understanding of their overarching health & safety responsibilities. It aims to provide key information on what they must do to safeguard those they have a duty of care towards.

Health & Safety for Teaching Staff

Health & Safety for Teaching Staff

This course is designed to equip teaching staff with an understanding of the important contribution they make in ensuring successful health and safety management in schools. The course also covers the principles of health & safety by exploring some of the common hazards present in schools, the risks they pose, and how they can be controlled.

Health & Safety for Caretakers & School Maintenance Personnel​

Health & Safety for Caretakers & School Maintenance Personnel

This course is aimed at individuals who have day-to-day responsibilities for property maintenance. It focuses on issues surrounding control of contractors, legionella, asbestos, fire safety, and other key areas of property risk.

Safer School Trips Training​

Safer School Trips Training

This course is aimed at individuals who organise or coordinate school trips. It takes a practical look at some of the key considerations needed when planning and delivering school trips, to ensure the health, safety, and wellbeing of the children under their supervision. 

Administration of Medication Procedural Compliance for School Nurses

Administration of Medication Procedural Compliance for School Nurses

This course aims to provide school nurses with a better understanding of their health & safety responsibilities as well as highlight the importance of adherence to policy. The course also covers care plans, their importance, and best practice requirements. 

Diabetes Awareness (Including Insulin Administration) for School Staff​

Diabetes Awareness (Including Insulin Administration) for School Staff

This course is aimed at staff who have a duty of care for anyone with diabetesThe course explains what diabetes is and what to look out for. It covers how it is diagnosed, managed, and how school staff can support a child living with diabetes.

Anaphylaxis (Including use of Epi Pens) for School Staff​

Anaphylaxis (Including use of Epi Pens) for School Staff

This course is aimed at those who care for children within an educational setting. It offers practical guidance on allergy management and explains how to offer comprehensive support to children with allergies. 

Epilepsy Awareness & Buccal / Rectal Diazepam Administration​

Epilepsy Awareness & Buccal / Rectal Diazepam Administration

This course is designed for designated teaching staff who have a duty of care to people with Epilepsy and require an understanding of epilepsy and the administration of buccal and rectal diazepam. This course follows the guidelines laid down by the Joint Epilepsy Council. 

Autism Awareness for School Staff ​

Autism Awareness for School Staff

This course is aimed at teaching staff to help them gain an understanding of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) and how these can affect the children under their care. The information gained will assist teaching staff to help children with ASDs reach their full potential. 

Coping with Challenging Behaviour at School ​

Coping with Challenging Behaviour at School

The course is aimed at teaching staff to help them gain a better understanding of the causes of challenging or aggressive behaviour within the school environment. It aims to provide learners with the knowledge and skills to manage such situations in an appropriate manner. 

Safeguarding Children Awareness​

Safeguarding Children Awareness

This course is appropriate for anyone that comes into contact with or works with children. The course aims to raise awareness of child safeguarding and the key responsibilities of individuals that work with children, or their families.

Designated and Deputy Safeguarding Officer​

Designated and Deputy Safeguarding Officer

This course is aimed at individuals who have been appointed a designated or deputy safeguarding officer and require the appropriate training. The course will provide details on what the role involves and will provide individuals with an in-depth understanding of the safeguarding processes within an educational setting. 

Mental Health Awareness for Teaching Staff​

Mental Health Awareness for Teaching Staff

This course is aimed at teaching staff of all levels. It aims to provide them with a general insight into common mental health conditions and provide practical techniques to apply or share, to promote positive mental health and wellbeing among colleagues and the children they have a duty of care towards. 

Developing Resilience in Students ​

Developing Children Resilience

This course is aimed at teachers who wish to obtain practical techniques to enhance the resilience of the children they teach and have a duty of care towards. 

Infection prevention control education

Infection Prevention & Control in Education

This course is aimed at all staff working with a school. It provides learners with the knowledge and skills to prevent and control the spread of infections within an educational or related setting.


COVID 19 Warden Training

COVID 19 Warden Training

This course is designed for staff who are taking on the role of a Covid Warden for their school. The training provides information about the role, and the disease and covers the fundamentals of infection prevention and control for Covid-19, as well as tips and resources.

COSHH Awareness for School Staff

COSHH Awareness for School Staff

This qualification is for school staff who work in an environment with hazardous substances exist. The course aims to raise awareness of the dangers associated with hazardous substances and the practical steps that can be taken to eliminate or reduce the risks that they present.

Manual Handling Awareness

Manual Handling Awareness

This course is appropriate for anyone who is required to undertake basic manual handling activities as part of their job role. The course will provide the theoretical knowledge and practical skills needed to help safeguard them from the associated risks.

Courses for Students

Fire Safety Awareness for Students

Fire Safety Awareness for Students

This course aims to provide students with an understanding of the fire safety issues in a school. In turn, this will help to develop a culture of fire prevention and fire protection and ensure that students understand what to do in an evacuation situation.

CPR for Students ​Training Course

CPR for Students

This course is designed for children aged 11- 16 and aims to equip them with CPR and other lifesaving skills to utilise in the event of a medical emergency. The course is largely practical based and key messages are delivered in a fun and interactive way.

Introduction to Mental health for Young People ​Course

An Introduction to Mental health for Young People

This course is aimed at young people between the ages of 14 – 18. The course aims to provide a light introduction to mental health, what it is and what steps can be taken in everyday life to ensure mental wellbeing. The course also covers what children should do if they find they are struggling with mental health.

FAQs about Health & Safety Training Courses for Schools

Every parent sends their child to school with one expectation. They want them to be provided with a safe and healthy environment to learn. The same goes for the families of the teaching staff. Therefore, it is paramount that the school setting remains a safe place for both pupils and staff. Schools ensure this by implementing and effectively operating a health and safety management system.

There are two main drivers for managing health and safety in the school environment. They are moral and legal.

Moral obligations are what our conscience tells us are right and wrong. Those responsible within the school environment need to do the right thing. They owe a duty of care to their pupils and colleagues and must take the appropriate steps to manage risks. The education authority, board of governors, principal, school management, and general school staff such as teachers and classroom assistants must recognise their moral responsibilities and take proactive steps to manage hazards and reduce risk.

When considering the legal drivers, those with responsibilities cannot fail to manage risks, and this will likely evoke legal action from enforcing authorities. Educational settings could also receive negative news coverage and incur financial repercussions such as fines.

Health and safety for schools' courses can play a crucial role in achieving compliance and a safer school environment. Keeping pupils, staff, and others who may be at risk within the school environment must be the number one priority.

With the two drivers in mind, these courses have been designed to help the education sector meet its health and safety requirements. In addition, they will assist schools in achieving legislative compliance. The classes help equip those undertaking them with the appropriate information and training. Therefore, enabling them to positively contribute to a schools' health and safety management system.

The school environment presents a wide range of hazards to health and safety. This reality is primarily because of the volume of inexperienced people within a relatively small area. Due to this, a range of courses will be required to help ensure your school or other academic institution is safe, healthy, and compliant.

There is a wide variety of school staff courses specific to their health and safety responsibility levels. Such courses include health and safety for school principals and management team members. There are also programmes available for health and safety for teaching staff, caretakers, and school maintenance personnel. These three-course types cover the responsibilities these specific employee groups have. Their objective is to make sure they can contribute to managing health and safety within the school environment. They also cover a range of role-specific hazards and the practical steps they can take to reduce risk.

In addition to job-specific health and safety training courses, courses are available that address high-risk activities or hazards. Options include a training intervention that explores how teachers can organise and coordinate activities. Safer school trips and the administration of medication, specifically aimed at school nurses. Also available are others such as:

  • Diabetes awareness
  • Insulin administration
  • Allergic reactions' awareness
  • Administration of EpiPen
  • Epilepsy awareness
  • Autism awareness
  • Coping with challenging behaviour
  • Safeguarding children awareness
  • Mental health awareness
  • Developing resilience in students
  • Infection prevention and control
  • Fire safety
  • Fire warden
  • COSHH awareness
  • Manual handling courses for school staff

First aid training for schools is another popular offering. Options include emergency first aid at work training and paediatric first aid for schools or early years. Both courses aim to ensure suitably trained personnel exist within the school environment, especially in a medical emergency.

Health and safety management must assess risks to determine the educational institution-specific hazards. This action will aid them to determine what training is needed to address the management of those hazards. Risk assessment training aims to identify, analyse, prioritise, control, and monitor risk. Our training experts are happy to guide Schools on this process.

Students and pupil-specific courses aim to support children and young adults. The intention is to educate these groups on how to contribute to their personal safety, health, and wellbeing. Within this small grouping of courses, you will find:

  • Fire safety awareness for students
  • CPR for students
  • Digital wellbeing
  • Introduction to mental health for young people.

Teachers and management owe a duty of care to both pupils and colleagues. To successfully deliver upon this, they must be aware of their obligations. Also, they need to be provided with the skills to act suitably. Health and safety for teacher's courses play a vital role in this matter. They give teachers and management the confidence and competence to take the correct approach to health and safety. And therefore, contribute to compliance through successful health and safety management.