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Commit - Annual Workplace Wellness Package

Commit – Annual Workplace Wellness Package

We are pleased to announce we have launched an innovative new annual workplace wellness service.

Introducing, the ‘Commit’ package 

This expert led package has been designed to:

  1. Assist organisations to strategically address workplace health & wellbeing by providing an easily accessible and structured annual package.
  2. Provide a statistical measurement to allow organisations to benchmark their workplace health & wellbeing data against national averages and industry gold standards.
  3. Provide and deliver a structured annual calendar of events based on National Health Campaigns –thus minimising the time spent by organisations to plan, organise and deliver on self-coordinated events.

Included in the Package

  • A ‘one to one’ consultation meeting with one of our workplace health & wellbeing experts to discuss and plan your organisations annual calendar of events
  • An opportunity to complete our evidence-based health & wellbeing survey in order to benchmark data against national averages
  • A comprehensive and informative report outlining the health of employees compared to industry gold standards
  • Health Champion training for up to 2 individuals – includes consultation on survey report findings and coaching to prepare a focused and strategic action plan
  • Delivery of a monthly event*, creating a structured annual calendar of events which is based on National Health Campaigns. * Please note that monthly sessions are required to be delivered on the same day totalling 12 site-visits (Please see calendar overleaf for suggested events)

Click to view the Commit Package  course directory.

Why promote Health & Wellbeing at Work?

We spend one third of our adult life at work, so it makes sense to make health and wellbeing a priority during this time. Research has shown healthy workers can be almost 3 times more productive than their unhealthy colleagues. People who are unwell either don’t perform at their best or they don’t turn up for work at all.

Research has shown that promoting health and wellbeing at work can reduce sickness levels by up to 31% and can improve employee morale by up to 44%. Employee physical and mental well-being can be protected and improved, leading to increased productivity. The cost savings to the organisation can be significant.

Are you ready to Commit?

If so, contact us now for further information on the package or to arrange an introductory meeting with our Health Promotion Team.